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Mt. Daraitan in Philippines, Day Hiking

ADDRESS :    It is located in Barangay Daraitan, Tanay, Rizal. Mt. Daraitan has a height of 739 meters above sea level or 2,424 feet. SAMPLE OF ITINERARY to Mt. Daraitan Midnight – Assembly, meet-up 12:30 AM – going to Mt. Daraitan registration site 3:30AM –  Barangay Daraitan, Tanay Rizal. Registration, breakfast and secure a guide. 4 AM – Start hiking via a long trail 6:30 AM – arrived at Mt. Daraitan summit, explore the area, rested, and take pictures 7:30 AM – Going to Heart Peak 9 AM – Arrived at Heart Peak 9:30AM – Going to Tinipak River 11:30 AM – Arrived at Tinipak River, lunch 12:30 PM – Explore Tinipak River, swimming, caving, photo-ops 3:30 PM – Head back to the Jump-off point 4:30 PM – Arrive at Barangay hall, wash up, dinner 5:30 PM –  going back to Manila 8:30 PM –  Manila NOTE: This sample itinerary is just a basis and not absolute or will not be 100% perfect due to many factors such as the weather condition, group pacing, traffic, emerge



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