Hello Foreigners, WELCOME TO OUR BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY PHILIPPINES Yes, you read it right you can finally visit our beautiful 7,640 islands again, the Philippines is open for you again after a long time. I am a Filipina and I am very happy to welcome you have fun and enjoy your vacation here in the Philippines. Foreign Tourist Arrival Requirements Starting April 1,2022 There will be no limit of International and Asia's Traveler arriving in all ports of entry in the Philippines. ITIF agrees that All foreigners around the world are now welcome in the Philippines, no more restrictions. Philippines is only Open to Fully Vaccinated COVID-19, Bring your proof of covid-19 vaccine Card or Certification. WHO International Certificates of Vaccination and Prophylaxis. VaxCertPH digital vaccination certificate. National/State digital vaccination certificates of a foreign government recognize recognized in the Philippines. Other proofs of vaccination permitted by the Inter-Agency Taskforce for the...